Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
275 lines
' ! This is a Visual Basic BAS-file ! '
' ******************************************************* '
' * Please download VB_3D.EXE first. * '
' * This file is a revision of prior versions. * '
' * This module does ONLY contain the revised * '
' * parts of code - please pass to EASY3D.BAS. * '
' ******************************************************* '
' '
' Now there are MANY 3D routines available for VB. '
' This one is according to VB_3D.EXE by CIS:100540,2644 '
' which was according to VB3D.ZIP by CIS:100265,1725. '
' '
' '
' + + + '
' '
' Feel free to use any part of code from this module. '
' '
' Code by: Christian Germelmann '
' 35039 Marburg - Germany '
' CIS:100520,2644 '
' '
Option Explicit
Dim retInt%, retLng&, hInst%
Global CTRL3D_Registered%
Const GWW_HINSTANCE% = (-6)
Declare Sub ShellAbout Lib "SHELL" Alias "#22" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal TitelText$, ByVal DialogText$, ByVal BildhWnd%)
Declare Function GetWindowWord% Lib "USER" Alias "#133" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal nIndex%)
Declare Function GetWindowLong& Lib "USER" Alias "#135" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal nIndex%)
Declare Function SetWindowLong& Lib "USER" Alias "#136" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal nIndex%, ByVal dwNewLong&)
Const GWL_STYLE& = (-16)
Const COLOR_BTNFACE& = &H8000000F
Const DS_MODALFRAME& = &H80&
Declare Function GetSystemMenu% Lib "USER" Alias "#156" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal bRevert%)
Declare Function DeleteMenu% Lib "USER" Alias "#413" (ByVal hMenu%, ByVal nPosition%, ByVal wFlags%)
'Global Const SC_MOVE& = &HF010
Const SC_SIZE& = &HF000
'Global Const SC_MINIMIZE& = &HF020
'Global Const SC_MAXIMIZE& = &HF030
'Global Const SC_NEXTWINDOW& = &HF040
'Global Const SC_PREVWINDOW& = &HF050
Const SC_CLOSE& = &HF060
'Global Const SC_ARRANGE& = &HF110
'Global Const SC_RESTORE& = &HF120
Const SC_TASKLIST& = &HF130
Declare Function SetErrorMode% Lib "KERNEL" Alias "#107" (ByVal wMode As Integer)
Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory% Lib "KERNEL" Alias "#134" (ByVal lpBuffer$, ByVal nSize%)
Declare Function GetSystemDirectory% Lib "KERNEL" Alias "#135" (ByVal lpBuffer$, ByVal nSize%)
' ***********************************************************
' * Please note: *
' * different from prior releases the 3D.DLLs are no longer *
' * declared as Functions but as Subs since they do not *
' * return any value. This shortens the code as shown. *
' ***********************************************************
Declare Sub Ctl3dRegister Lib "CTL3D.DLL" Alias "#12" (ByVal hInst%)
Declare Sub Ctl3dUnregister Lib "CTL3D.DLL" Alias "#13" (ByVal hInst%)
Declare Sub Ctl3dAutoSubclass Lib "CTL3D.DLL" Alias "#16" (ByVal hInst%)
Declare Sub Ctl3dSubclassDlgEx Lib "CTL3D.DLL" Alias "#21" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal Flags&)
Declare Sub Ctl3dRegisterV2 Lib "CTL3DV2.DLL" Alias "#12" (ByVal hInst%)
Declare Sub Ctl3dUnregisterV2 Lib "CTL3DV2.DLL" Alias "#13" (ByVal hInst%)
Declare Sub Ctl3dAutoSubclassV2 Lib "CTL3DV2.DLL" Alias "#16" (ByVal hInst%)
Declare Sub Ctl3dSubclassDlgExV2 Lib "CTL3DV2.DLL" Alias "#21" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal Flags&)
' **************************************************
' * If you are puzzled by the 'Alias' just scip it *
' **************************************************
' Shortens the system menu...
' Put 'CutSystemMenu Me,x' into the 'Form_Load' of every Form you need it for.
' Modify with other given (see GENERAL) variables.
Sub CutSystemMenu (Form As Form, Menu%)
Dim hMenu%
hMenu = GetSystemMenu(Form.hWnd, 0)
If Menu And 1 Then retInt = DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_SIZE, 0) ' Form is unsizable...
If Menu And 2 Then retInt = DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_CLOSE, 0) ' No Exit with system menu...
retInt = DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_TASKLIST, 0)
' And not to forget the separators...
retInt = DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_SEPARATOR, 0)
If Menu And 2 Then retInt = DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_SEPARATOR, 0)
End Sub
Sub Define3D (Form3D As Form)
' If we have 3D...
If CTRL3D_Registered = False Then Exit Sub
' ...allow only FIXED_DOUBLE borders...
If Form3D.BorderStyle <> FIXED_DOUBLE Then Exit Sub
Form3D.BackColor = COLOR_BTNFACE
' ...alter the frame so that 3D can affect it...
retLng = SetWindowLong(Form3D.hWnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(Form3D.hWnd, GWL_STYLE) Or DS_MODALFRAME)
' ...select the proper 3D-DLL and '3D' this form.
Select Case CTRL3D_Registered
Case 1: Ctl3dSubclassDlgEx Form3D.hWnd, &H0
Case 2: Ctl3dSubclassDlgExV2 Form3D.hWnd, &H0
End Select
End Sub
' Replaces old code ! (This one is safer)
Function DirExists% (Path$)
' Be sure that there is no terminating backslash
If Right$(Path, 1) = "\" Then Path = Left$(Path, Len(Path) - 1)
On Error Resume Next
retInt = Len(Dir$(Path, 16))
If retInt = 0 Or Err Then
DirExists = False
DirExists = (GetAttr(Path) And 16)
End If
End Function
' Replaces old code ! (This one is safer)
Function FileExists% (File$)
On Error Resume Next
retInt = Len(Dir$(File, 6))
If retInt = 0 Or Err Then
FileExists = False
FileExists = Not (GetAttr(File) And 16)
End If
End Function
Sub Register3D ()
' Offer the opportunity to run this application without 3D.
' --> All programs by ChG_Tools bear this (partly) undocumented command
If InStr(1, Command$, "/NO3D", 1) Then Exit Sub
Dim oldErrorMode%
On Error Resume Next
' Windows does NOT display an error message box now
' when it fails to find one of the following files.
'Get the instance handle of the module that owns the window.
hInst = GetWindowWord(Forms(0).hWnd, GWW_HINSTANCE)
' Register CTL3D.DLL...
Ctl3dRegister hInst
' ...and if no error occured...
If Err = 0 Then
' ...make it perfect.
Ctl3dAutoSubclass hInst
CTRL3D_Registered = 1
' In case we had an error (CTL3D.DLL not found)...
Err = False
' ,,,register CTL3DV2.DLL...
Ctl3dRegisterV2 hInst
' ...and if no error occured now...
If Err = 0 Then
' ...make it perfect with this one.
Ctl3dAutoSubclassV2 hInst
CTRL3D_Registered = 2
End If
End If
' Reset the ErrorMode (just to tidy up).
oldErrorMode = SetErrorMode(oldErrorMode)
End Sub
' Correct use of the original Windows AboutBox...
' And you MUST try again this here:
' Open the box, hold down Shift+Ctrl and doubleclick the Logo, then close the box.
' And play it again... as often as you like ! (...and wonder why...)
' --> To see the original Windows-bitmap exchange 'Icon' against '0&'.
Sub ShowAboutBox (Form As Form)
ShellAbout Form.hWnd, "MyApp", "1st Author's Line" + Chr$(10) + "2nd Author's Line", Form.Icon
End Sub
' Not needed in this application.
' Whereever you need the SYSTEM-directory use the 'SysDir()' command.
Function SysDir$ ()
Dim GetSysDir$
GetSysDir = Space(144) ' or 144<
retInt = GetSystemDirectory(GetSysDir, 144)
GetSysDir = Left$(GetSysDir, retInt)
SysDir = Backslash(GetSysDir)
End Function
Sub Unregister3D ()
' If we have 3D...
If CTRL3D_Registered = False Then Exit Sub
'...get the instance handle of the module again that owns the window...
hInst = GetWindowWord(Forms(0).hWnd, GWW_HINSTANCE)
' ...select the proper 3D-DLL and unregister.
Select Case CTRL3D_Registered
Case 1: Ctl3dUnregister hInst
Case 2: Ctl3dUnregisterV2 hInst
End Select
' >>(Only needed if you swith 3D on and off at runtime)
' CTRL3D_Registered = False
End Sub
' Not needed in this application.
' Whereever you need the WINDOWS-directory use the 'WinDir()' command.
Function WinDir$ ()
Dim GetWinDir$
GetWinDir = Space(144) ' or 144<
retInt = GetWindowsDirectory(GetWinDir, 144)
GetWinDir = Left$(GetWinDir, retInt)
WinDir = Backslash(GetWinDir)
End Function